JCS Families: All JCS schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, March 7th as staff participate in professional learning.
5 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
NJES Families, Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day! Students will be taking photos as a class for the yearbook, as well as individually. Please make sure students dress their best. If you need another order form please contact your students' homeroom teacher. Thank you!
9 days ago, Natalie Corley
JCS Families: There are several bus scheduling adjustments this morning. Please review the JCS Bus Status Tracker for updated information. https://www.jcswv.org/page/bus-tracker
12 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
Good Afternoon NJES Families, We look forward to seeing you tonight for parent teacher conferences. In addition to speaking with you tonight about ways we may improve your child's experience , we are asking that you fill out a brief survey. https://forms.office.com/r/jmP9p9p10b Please use the survey log in code P037202. Thank you!
12 days ago, Natalie Corley
NJES WVLES Parent. Caregiver Survey
Tonight the NJES PTO has partnered with Ranson Chick-Fil-A to raise funds to support our school. Simply order on the Chick-Fil-A app and select support community event. If you are interested in learning more about the PTO they are meeting tomorrow at 6:00pm at NJES. You can also follow them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/njespto.
14 days ago, Natalie Corley
NJES PTO Chick Fil A Spirit night
NJES Families: This is a reminder that there is no school for students tomorrow.
23 days ago, Natalie Corley
Just a reminder, today is a two-hour early release. Parent pick- up will begin at 1:30pm. There is no school on Monday, February 17th.
26 days ago, Natalie Corley
Tomorrow the "For the Love of Friends and Family" gift shop will be selling love-theme chocolate lollipops! We will also show our love for our friends and family by wearing red, white, or pink!
26 days ago, Natalie Corley
NJES  Valentines Spirit Day
JCS Community: All activities and events are canceled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions.
28 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) are closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to road conditions. Many roads in Jefferson County are covered in snow, with precipitation expected to continue through the evening and temperatures remaining below freezing. Students and staff will operate on a Non-Traditional Instruction Day schedule; this is the final NTID day. JCS offices will open at 10 am; essential personnel should contact their supervisor for scheduling.
28 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Community: JCS will operate on a 3-hour early dismissal on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, due to weather. This allows our students to be in school with their teachers, eat breakfast and lunch, and be home before any unsafe road conditions.  All afternoon and evening activities are canceled. AlphaBEST after-school care and Boys and Girls Club transportation will not run today.
29 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Community: Check out the JCS Winter Weather and Calendar Update for important information. https://jcs.edurooms.com/engage/jefferson-county-schools/newsletters/winter-weather
29 days ago, Jefferson County Schools
We hope our students enjoyed celebrating the 100th Day of School ! Our staff certainly did!
about 1 month ago, Natalie Corley
NJES 100th Day of School
JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools are open and operating on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
about 1 month ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Community: Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K - 12) and offices will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025, due to the weather forecast. JCS will continue to monitor and evaluate conditions throughout the evening and morning and communicate any change by 7am to families.
about 1 month ago, Jefferson County Schools
Questions about NTIDs, and upcoming events on the school calendar? Check out the NJES Family February Newsletter! https://jcs.edurooms.com/engage/north-jefferson-elementary-school/newsletters/star-news-february-2025
about 1 month ago, Natalie Corley
With more snow days possible, we would like to ensure all students have access to Wi-Fi. A form is being sent home to families, if you are in need of a hotspot please fill out the form, and return it to school at your earliest convenience. If you do not receive a form, or have questions about hotspots please contact Mary Reagan at mreagan@k12.wv.us , or call 304-725-9587.
about 1 month ago, Natalie Corley
Tip your hats to North Jefferson Elementary School! Show your school spirit by wearing a hat to school on Friday !
about 1 month ago, Natalie Corley
Hat Day
Dear NJES Families, This is just a reminder that all afterschool activities have resumed. This weeks activities are as follows: Monday - Books, Bikes, and Basketball Club and NJES 3 Writing Club (3rd grade writing club ); Tuesday - Math Field Day Club. Wednesday, - NJES 4/5 Writing Club; Thursday is the Math Field Day Competition at Driswood! (transportation is provided)
about 1 month ago, Natalie Corley
JCS Community: All Jefferson County Schools Varsity activities and practices will resume on a voluntary basis at noon today, Friday, January 24, 2025. All other JCS activities, events, and practices will resume tomorrow, Saturday, January 25, 2025. JCS encourages parents to drive students to practices and events, many roads still have patches of ice and snow. We look forward to seeing all of our students in person next week!
about 2 months ago, Jefferson County Schools