We are very excited to announce that we have officially hired our new kindergarten teacher from within our own building. We are very excited to welcome our art teacher, Ms. Tia Nugent, officially as our kindergarten teacher. To replace Ms. Nugent in art, we've hired Ms. Kate O’Neill. We are incredibly excited at all of the new ideas and energy these ladies will bring to our NJES program. Welcome aboard, Ms. Nugent and Ms. O’Neill.
almost 3 years ago, North Jefferson Elementary
New Kindergarten and Art Teachers
We're proud to recognize our JCS students chosen to participate in this year's West Virginia All-State Children's Chorus! Nine students from North Jefferson Elementary, Shepherdstown Elementary, and Wright Denny Intermediate were among 153 youth statewide selected to perform at the 2022 West Virginia Music Educators Conference in Charleston on March 4. The performance included selections in English, Hebrew, and German. Visit https://bit.ly/3KvVnbA for a complete list of participants. Congratulations to these talented young vocalists!
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
All-State Children's Chorus
Hello North Jefferson Elementary School families, this is a friendly reminder that today, Monday, February 21, 2022, Jefferson County schools will dismiss on a two hour early dismissal schedule. Pre-k dismissal will begin at 12:55 p.m and 1:00 p.m. We ask that all parents of car riders grades k-5 arrive to the parking lot no earlier than 1:20 p.m. so, that we may safely dismiss our pre-K students. Anyone arriving prior to 1:20 p.m., will be asked to park in the two center rows in the parking lot facing the school as we conclude our pre-K dismissal. However, we can not guarantee your spot in the car loop will match your arrival time, if this occurs. Thank you for your support and safely administering today’s changes.
about 3 years ago, North Jefferson Elementary
This week (February 7-11) has been National School Counseling Week, a time to recognize and honor the crucial work performed by school guidance counselors. Shoutout to all JCS counselors for offering our students unconditional guidance, support, and stability all day, every day. We appreciate you!
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
We have a quick clarification to our North Jefferson Elementary School fundraiser for Krispy Kreme donuts. All checks are to be made payable to North Jefferson Elementary School. Our fundraiser begins today and will conclude on February 21. We will send out more information about order pick up on March 1st as that date approaches. Thank you so much for supporting our initiatives by taking part in this wonderful fundraiser.
about 3 years ago, North Jefferson Elementary
Jan. 28, 2022: Due to inclement weather anticipated for this evening, ALL after school activities are cancelled for Jefferson County Schools.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS logo
UPDATE Jan. 20, 2022: After careful reevaluation by our operations team, weather conditions show that temperatures continue to fall alongside precipitation, creating unsafe road conditions during our travel times. Therefore, all Jefferson County Schools and offices will be CLOSED today. We want to thank our essential personnel as they continue working to ensure our schools will be ready to safely welcome students back on site.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Logo
UPDATE: After a careful reevaluation of road conditions and consultation with the WV Department of Highways, all Jefferson County Schools and offices will regrettably be closed today, Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Essential personnel, please report for continued ice removal. Thank you for your patience as we continue to prioritize the safety of students and staff.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
All Jefferson County Schools and offices are CLOSED on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022. After-school activities are canceled. Essential personnel, please report for snow removal.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Logo
North Jefferson Elementary School is experiencing issues with the main phone line. Please dial 304-582-4361 if you need to reach the front office. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
The JCSWV mobile app. It's everything Jefferson County Schools straight to you phone! www.jcswv.org/page/communications
about 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCSWV Mobile App
Thank you to the entire Child Nutrition staff at Jefferson County Schools! Our cooks, cafeteria managers, and secretaries have continued to provide tasty, nutritious meals to students during unprecedented circumstances brought on by a global pandemic. Despite staffing shortages and supply chain issues, they served students more than 155,000 meals in October alone. They have not only continued to build good habits in our elementary school students with balanced meals for breakfast and lunch, but are also reducing food waste and helping middle and high school students make good choices by allowing them to make individual decisions on which menu items they choose, including the salad bar.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Student at salad bar
A reminder that Jefferson County Schools has returned to a regular schedule for Fridays. That means that today, Dec. 3, 2021, is a full day of school for all students. Thank you for supporting our staff! https://jcswv.org/page/sustaining-excellence-update
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
JCS Logo
On 12/3/21 all JCS will be in session for a full day. We will NO longer be operating on a three hour early dismissal on Fridays. Thank you so much for the patience and support you had with us during this process. -Book fair next week 12/6-12/10 -Book fair family night from 5:30-7 on 12/6 for last names that begin with letter A-M -Book fair family night from 5:30-7 on 12/7 for last names that begin with letter N-Z -PBIS Dollar Day next week on 12/10: students pay a dollar to wear winter and/or Holiday attire! *We ask that all students remember to bring their coats. We want to be able to be learning outside as much as possible.*
over 3 years ago, Nyky Johnson
Dear North Jefferson Elementary families, Please remember that school is closed on Thursday, 11/11, in honor of Veterans Day, and the half-day on Friday, 11/12, is a remote learning day. Our child nutrition services will continue Friday, with food packs available for pickup from 8:00am-9:00am.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
Elementary School families may be interested in the following Public Service Announcement regarding a COVID-19 vaccination opportunity for children from 5-11 years old. For Questions regarding the clinics, please call the Jefferson County Health Department at 304-728-8416. COVID-19 vaccinations are NOT required for school attendance.
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools
VOCI-19 Vaccination Clinic Information
Hello NJES Families, Please remember that today is a 3-hour early dismissal. In order to ensure the safety of our students and families, we dismiss in shifts. Our pre-k students and families that are car riders are in our first dismissal group at 11:55 and 12:00. We ask that parents of students in grades K-5 do NOT arrive to the parking lot any earlier than 12:20 so that we can safely accommodate all families. When arriving to the parking lot, please fill the car loop stopping at the light post to ensure safe parking lot entry and exit. Excess cars are to follow the arrows in the left lane and beginning filling the second row and subsequently the third row of parking. Please park facing the school to help with the traffic flow. Upon entering the parking lot, please check to see if these rows have cars in them. Once either of these rows have cars in them, please proceed to these rows even if traffic is moving in the loop. This allows us to ensure we dismiss in the order of arrival and dismiss our students to their appropriate places in the rotation. A staff member will assist your child. Please remain your vehicles to ensure safety and efficiency. Thank you all so much for working with us to keep our school family safe. Sincerely, Ms. Johnson
over 3 years ago, North Jefferson Elementary
Hello NJES Families, Due to a higher than expected response for tomorrow's Read-or-Treat event, it is necessary for us to make some slight modifications to the event. We are asking that families with the last name A-L attend the event from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. and that families with the last name M-Z attend from 6:10 p.m. - 7:10 p.m. If your family contains students whose names fall into both categories, you may pick the time block that works best for your family. We understand that the request is coming last minute so if your family needs to attend in the alternative time slot, that is permissible. Our goal is to provide as much space for physical distancing as possible. Additionally, since we are expecting a substantial turnout for our Read-or-Treat event we are requesting that families adhere to the following safety protocols regardless of the location of our event's setting: maintain physical distancing from other families, wear a mask and keep it pulled up anytime you are at a station or within 6 feet of other families, maintain 6 feet or more of space between other families while eating, utilize hand sanitizer at each station and refrain from attending the event if you are experiencing any COVID like symptoms, have a fever, do not feel well or have been exposed to COVID within the past 10 days. We at NJES thank you in advance for partnering with us to keep all of our NJES students, families and staff safe and free from harm.
over 3 years ago, North Jefferson Elementary
Hello, this is your principal Ms. Johnson with a very important message regarding our first Friday three-hour early dismissal. Tomorrow, Friday, October 15th, North Jefferson Elementary School will operate on a three hour early dismissal schedule. Pre-K students will be dismissed at 11:55 AM for Ms. Underwood’s class and 12:00 PM for Ms. Allen’s class. Students in grades K through five will be dismissed at 12:25 for walkers and car riders and 12:30 for students riding the bus. We respectfully ask that no parent of any student in grades K through five arrive for car rider pick up prior to 12:20 PM. Early arrivals will prevent our pre-K parents from safely picking up their students and exiting the parking lot without complication. Again we very respectfully ask that parents of all students in grades K through five wait to enter the parking lot for car rider pick up until after 12:20 PM. Our official car rider dismissal time will begin at 12:25 PM. Picture day for tomorrow has been canceled and rescheduled for November 4th to allow enough time for every student to have their photo taken. Thank you so much for your support and willingness to support our Jefferson County School students and staff.
over 3 years ago, Nyky Johnson
Staffing shortages are impacting school systems across the country. For Jefferson County Schools (JCS), the shortages have significantly affected our staff time to complete critical behind-the-scenes work that goes into sustaining excellence in teaching and learning. Beginning October 15th, Jefferson County Schools will dismiss students 1/2 day every Friday. Staff will spend 3 hours completing all non-student supervision work (planning, SAT/IEP meetings, creating instructional materials, deep cleaning, etc). A full explanation of the factors leading to this change and expectations for staff in using this time can be found in the “Sustaining Excellence Plan” on the JCS website https://5il.co/101uz
over 3 years ago, Jefferson County Schools